Kedewasaan dan Anton

Pada acara kebersamaan lalu, kelas saya menampilkan parodi keadaan kelas. Tentu saja kami juga memerankan guru-guru yang sedang mengajar dengan melebihkan-lebihkan beberapa hal dan memberi bumbu-bumbu yang menimbulkan gelak tawa. Bu Aurum, salah satu guru yang menonton pertunjukan kami, merasa tersinggung, atau setidaknya begitulah kesan yang kami terima. Teman saya yang bernama Marcia nampaknya akan menjadi objek kekesalan guru itu, karena ia yang memerankan guru itu pada pertunjukkan. Meskipun ternyata anggapan kami tidak terbukti pada akhirnya, tetapi pada saat itu saya benar-benar yakin bahwa guru itu sangat tersinggung karena beberapa tindak-tanduknya yang menunjukkan hal itu. “Parodi kami hanya sekedar untuk hiburan semata, tersinggung karena hal itu adalah tindakan yang tidak dewasa. Apalagi dia adalah guru, yang sudah hidup lebih lama dari kami, seharusnya ia menunjukkan kedewasaan sebagai panutan.” Itulah yang ada di benak saya.

Cukup lama setelah kejadian itu, saya menyadari sesuatu. Seorang adik kelas yang pernah membuat saya marah, bahkan sampai hari ini tidak bisa saya maafkan. Saya bertanya-tanya apakah ia melihat saya sama seperti guru yang saya cap tidak dewasa itu? Ya, saya mencap guru itu tidak dewasa, padahal saya sendiri belum bisa menjadi dewasa. Saya tidak berbeda dengan guru itu. Saya tidak patut menuntut kedewasaan dari orang lain sebelum saya sendiri memilikinya.

Kedewasaan adalah kata yang mudah diucapkan, tetapi ternyata tidak mudah diwujudkan. Perlu waktu lama bagi saya untuk menyadarinya.

Kata-Kata dari Seorang Guru

Tanggal 19 Desember kemarin, teman saya yang bernama Adicitra Shima berulangtahun. Kami, sebagai teman-temannya dari CNN, datang ke rumahnya untuk memberikan kejutan (tanggal 21). Acara berjalan lancar, meskipun banyak kesalahan terjadi. Dari terlambat dari jadwal karena gerimis, salah alamat, Adi tidak terkejut, sampai salah menghitung umur Adi (salah anton T-T). Haha…memang kalau Anton yang rencanain kagak pernah beres. Nah, dalam acara itu, guru CNN kami (mantan) yang sekarang menjadi guru di DH DM (dia sudah seperti teman sebaya), ikut berbincang-bincang sambil menikmati kue. Beberapa ceritanya:

-Kawanan Kuda

Mr.Hosten (nama guru ini) mengajar beberapa kelas. Di salah satu kelas dengan level tertinggi, ia menemukan bahwa salah seorang muridnya memiliki nilai yang rendah dan memang kurang bisa menerima pelajaran yang diberikan. Jadi apa yang dia lakukan? Dia menurunkan murid itu ke level yang lebih rendah. Tindakan yang kejam sepertinya.

Kemudian ia menjelaskan tentang kawanan kuda yang sedang berlari. Di dalam kawanan kuda, pasti ada kuda yang lebih cepat dan kuda yang lebih lambat. Kuda yang lebih cepat pasti harus menunggu kuda yang lebih lambat untuk mempertahankan kawanan. Jadi, kecepatan lari kawanan kuda = kecepatan lari kuda yang paling lambat. Rumus yang menarik bukan? Maka cara meningkatkan kecepatan lari kawanan adalah menyingkirkan kuda yang lambat sehingga kawanan kuda tidak perlu menunggu mereka. Prinsip yang sama diterapkan pada kelas yang ia ajar. Untuk memastikan kelas melakukan kemajuan sesuai dengan target, maka murid-murid yang menghambat harus dipindahkan dari kelas tersebut. Hal ini adalah yang terbaik bagi kelas dan murid yang menghambat. Mengapa? Karena kelas tidak akan terhambat oleh murid itu, dan murid yang menghambat akan ditempatkan di kelas yang lebih sesuai dengan kemampuannya.


Mr. Hosten juga menceritakan bahwa remedial adalah sesuatu yang tidak baik. Sebelumnya, Dian Harapan Daan Mogot memiliki peraturan bahwa siswa berhak mendapatkan remedial tidak terbatas sampai ia lulus. Tetapi kemudian ada sebuah kasus dimana seorang siswa tidak lulus hampir semua mata pelajaran dan setelah terus menerus remedial masih tidak menunjukkan perkembangan. Sejak saat itu peraturan remedial dirubah. Mr. Hosten adalah salah seorang yang menginginkan remedial dihapuskan.

Ia berargumen bahwa remedial membuat murid tidak menghargai kesempatan. Kesempatan hanya datang satu kali dalam kehidupan dan karena itu harus dipergunakan sebaik-baiknya. Ulangan adalah kesempatan itu, dan remedial membuat murid berpikir bahwa masih ada kesempatan kedua. Sebuah perspektif yang akan merusak kehidupan mereka nantinya. Kesempatan kedua tidak muncul semudah itu.

Nilai merah pada raport, adalah rasa malu yang harus tetap tinggal membekas dalam sejarah hidup seseorang. Itu adalah bukti kesalahan yang akan terus diingat oleh seseorang. Remedial akan membuat nilai merah itu menghilang dengan sebuah tes dengan tema yang sama. Padahal, seseorang harus mendapat sebuah teguran yang berat sehingga ia tidak akan mengulangi kesalahan yang sama.


Jadi, bagaimana menurut anda?

Merry Christmas 2009!

It seems time has ran very fast, eh? Suddenly it’s Christmas again already. I am feeling old.

Christmas day is a day when we celebrate the birth of Jesus.

The Almighty has took away His Divinity to save His beloved. A great love, isn’t it?!

That is the true message of Christmas.

Christmas is about love, sacrifice, and humility.

Let us put this message across!

May the spirit of Christmas gives warmth and joy to you and your family!

Merry Christmas 2009!

Stranger Than Fiction (2006 film)

Stranger Than FictionSpoiler. Our main character is Harold Crick. He is good at math and he counts almost everything in his head. He leads an exact life, not late and not early, based on his wristwatch. He works at IRS, a government department of tax calculation.

One day, he begins hearing a lady’s voice in his head narrating his life. Everybody says he’s crazy. But it turns out that he is a real character of a book (you will not know it until you watch the movie further). Turbulence starts after the narrator says ,”little did he know that this simple, seemingly innocuous act would result in his imminent death”. He’s going to die, his writer has decided so.

Harold gets panicked and he asks for any help he could possibly get. A literature professor,  Jules Hilbert, believes him and tries to help him figuring out who is the writer of his life and preventing that person from putting Harold’s life to an end.

Then, we have Karen Eiffel, a writer, a heavy smoker. She’s a renowned tragedy writer, every book she wrote ended with the protagonist death. But she has a big problem: she can’t finish her latest book because she doesn’t know how to kill her latest protagonist. Her publisher sends an assistant to assist her….. what else? To kill the protagonist. Many places they go, many things they see, but none gives Eiffel an idea for her protagonist’s death. Until she sees a dropped apple, and eureka! She gets her ending.

Then, we get back to Harold. His search with Professor Jules has given no good result. The only thing they find out is Harold’s story is a tragedy, not comedy, and Harold will certainly die.  Harold is now living his life to the fullest knowing that his death is certain. He took his day off, which he has in plenty, leaving all of his routine, which he has never imagine before. He spends his days with the girl he had fallen for, he pursues his old ambition to play guitar, and he lives with his only friend, Dave.

Then, we, and our two protagonist, knows that Harold is Eiffel’s character. Eiffel is ready to type the demise of Harold, just right after Harold finds out that Eiffel is the writer of his life. The two then meet each other and Eiffel was very shocked knowing Harold is for real, which means she would have to kill Harold, just like another 8 characters she has killed. But Harold’s death was final, it’s just hasn’t typed yet. Eiffel gives Harold the written draft, while she keeps thinking what she supposes to do.

Harold gives Professor Jules the draft, because he can’t read it himself. After a day of reading, Jules tells Harold that he has to die. The story is a masterpiece of literature and Harold’s death is a perfect ending. Harold can’t believe it and takes the draft away with him. He reads it and he likes it, even the way he’s going to die. Knowing that his death is necessary, he gives back the draft to Eiffel and told her to type it.

Now Harold can play guitar, he shares his life with his loved one, he doesn’t count his steps or how many times he brushes his teeth (like he used to), he doesn’t care of the time, he doesn’t live alone or eat alone anymore. At his happiest days, sadly to say, his life has to end.

Harold wakes up that day. He knows what he has to do, everything he has to do, just like what he has read. While Eiffel is struggling with her feeling on every sentence she is typing, Harold waits for his bus. Suddenly a boy with his bike slips and falls in front of Harold. Harold gets hit by the bus trying to save the boy.

But Harold isn’t dead (as he supposed to). Eiffel makes a different story and gives it to Jules. When Jules reads Karen’s final manuscript, he notes that the story is weaker without Harold’s death. Karen admits the flaw. She told Jules that Harold was different. He knew he was going to die, but still he accepted it, that’s a kind of character she couldn’t kill.


So, what do you think of this movie? The only difference between us and Harold is Harold knew how and when his death will be. We are characters in our book of life. We are not the one who writes it, and therefore we can’t control our fate. As this book is about our life, the only end it has is our death, and every book must end. Are we brave enough like Harold?

Cerita dari BTA 8 (20-12-2009)

Jadi, seorang guru Bahasa Indonesia di BTA 8 hari ini (kumisnya panjang) memberikan sebuah cerita kira-kira seperti ini:

Saya punya 3 anak (kurang jelas anak didik atau anak biologis), kemaren itu tiga-tiganya homestay ke luar negeri. Setiap mereka pergi saya selalu minta oleh-oleh, maksudnya cerita di situ.

—Anak pertama baru pulang dari London. “London kotanya bersih, bagus, orangnya teratur, ga macet kayak di Jakarta. Saya suka London.”

“Lalu, apa obsesi kamu? (maksudnya setelah pergi ada cita-cita apa?)”

“Nanti saya mau pindah ke London.”

—Anak Kedua baru pulang dari Jerman (ga tau kota mana). “Jerman bagus tempatnya, teratur. Trus, Bapak tau? Di sana sekolah gratis. Dan masyarakatnya benar-benar diurus dengan baik oleh pemerintah. Berobat ke rumah sakit bisa gratis. Memang pajaknya besar. Tetapi orang miskin ditanggung oleh pemerintah.”

“Lalu, apa obsesi kamu?”

“Nanti setelah saya menikah, saya mau pindah ke sana untuk bekerja.”

—Anak Ketiga baru pulang dari Australia. “Bapak tau? Di Australia itu organisasi pemuda pendatang dan penduduk asli di Universitas sangat kuat dan solid.”

“Oh, ada organisasi orang Indonesia juga?”

“Ada, pak! Lumayan banyak loh anggotanya.”

“Jadi, apa guna organisasi itu?”

“Ya, buat usahain orang Indonesia bisa tinggal di situ.”


Di akhir cerita guru BI itu mengatakan seberapa sedihnya dia mendengar jawaban anak-anaknya. Ia bilang bahwa kesadaran nasionalisme generasi muda sudah sangat tipis. Ia sebenarnya berharap agar anak-anaknya menjawab bahwa setelah mereka melihat segala kehebatan di luar negeri, mereka bercita-cita untuk membangun Indonesia menjadi tempat seperti itu juga. Teratur seperti London, makmur seperti Jerman, bagus seperti Australia. Tetapi mereka malah memilih untuk meninggalkan Indonesia demi kehidupan yang lebih baik, seperti kebanyakan pemuda saat ini. Lalu, kalau yang berpotensi pergi dari Indonesia, bagaimana caranya Indonesia akan maju?

What do you do when your cell phone falls in water?

Taken from Y!A Canada


What do you do when your cell phone falls in water?


Whatever you do immediately take your phone battery out. The reason why our phones stop working after it’s in the water is because you try to turn it on again without letting it dry and the battery shorts the phone. Now you have to be patient (this is the ONLY WAY). You have to put your phone in a bag of rice..I know this sounds crazy but the rice sucks up all the moisture..leave it there for 2-3 days…WITHOUT turning the phone on..that is crucial. And then try to leave it on something warm like a TV…I did this and I turned my blackberry on and it works PERFECT. I swear it was even sitting in water for over 30 secs. GOOD LUCK..

and whatever you do..DO NOT CHECK TO SEE IF IT WORKS…wait at least 2.5 full days. Good luck!

What do you think? Please do try this at home and tell me how’s it going!

Anton’s Candy Cane

Today, there was a Christmas celebration held at SMAK 1 (that’s my school). It was good, Gabriel troops sang like angels,  Gisel Idol sang some songs, she was beautiful..Hey, is it legal to ask Santa to give Gisel as my Christmas gift? Should write her at my wish-list ASAP!… btw, I’m getting out of focus, let’s get back to the topic.

Okay, after the show was over, I got back to the class to grab some food. Then, I was still in the class to help Princess Natasha to sell some of her cupcakes and chocolates while she was away. There was this girl called Yulita who bought…ok, we got out of focus again.

Now, the story began… So, I was in my way to get home from school today. But I realised it was still 12.00 o’clock in the afternoon, and Ciputra Mall was in front of me. Well, hanging around for some time wouldn’t be a bad idea. So I got there, looked for Gingerbread Man cookies and other Christmas dishes. And I found a Candy Cane! For information: I never had this before.

My Candy Cane

It cost me eight thousand rupiah. I took it with a great satisfaction! I love sweets! I love candy! I was craving for Candy Cane!

When I was on the bus, the candy cane was still in my hand. I was planning to enjoy it on the bus. When, a girl, a little toddler, looked at me. She looked at me with “that kind of look”. A look that would make any candy cane bearer understand that the looker wants no other but the most precious possession a candy cane bearer can ever have, the candy cane. It was a Psy-war, and I lost it. I gave her a giving up signal, I offered her the candy cane. But she shook her head, I kept offering her, but she kept shaking her head.

What a weird girl. An unexplainable genius, perhaps?!

But the candy cane was still mine and that’s all that matter the most.

This story ended happily!

Nice Post

For everyone who feels a pull to write but hasn’t written, let me quote Nike: “just do it.” Let all the inhibitions go, they are nonsense until after all the editing. Let the commas fall where they may. Write without any attachment to the outcome. That comes later.

That was some of an inspirational post I stumbled upon when I was searching an Air Supply song titled Come What May.

Check it out: link

That Girl Coming from Nowhere

A little note: This post is hard to understand, I know. It was an unexplainable random thought. So, don’t read seriously, it’s useless.

There she comes, with all her hocus pocus.
Funny, the first thing I concerned when I met her was her watch.
She is so bright, radiant.
Unlike the song “Dia” by Maliq:  She is not a kind of girl I expected, or I dreamed for, or I’ve been waiting for. She is just there, somehow stuck in my life, but then again I can’t get rid of her from it.
She took the position I want.
She had my group beaten.
She is always more. Smarter, more diligent, more creative, more active, more popular.
She is always respected, beloved by everyone.
She knows how to make things right, fun, and successful.
I envy her. That’s for sure.

Uh.. Oh..
Am I falling in love?
Can’t say it’s true, can’t say it’s wrong.
For I’m not sure.
We were so close. I’m still keeping my confused feeling.
When did it happen? That thing that makes us so distant?
Am I pulling away? Or you’re the one who is pushing me away?

Are you the one?
The one that I’ve been looking for?
There is no need for this romance.
It would hurt you, not me.
I think I would not say it.
Admiring you from afar is enough for me.

We’re going to be apart.
For a very long time I presume.
We’re not going to say goodbye.
For we have turned into strangers for each other.
I would let you go. I have no right to keep you here.
Fly…fly high my butterfly…fly away from me.
Then, when we meet again one day, I would probably be convinced.
My name is Anton, and I love you. Have you ever loved me?

Our story would end soon.

Come what may.

Do you think there would be a sequel? A more romantic sequel?

P.S. : I was planning of giving her something for her birthday. After I saw her wishlist, the first song in my playlist were “Don’t love You No More” from Craig David.