Anton’s Coverage: AFAID 2015

What big event do we have on September 2015 in Jakarta? Yup, one event that will come up on most anime fans’ head is none other but Anime Festival Asia Indonesia (AFAID) 2015. To be frank, I planned to restraint myself from attending AFAID this year, since I was out of budget and I already planned a trip to Dewata Anime Festival (DAF) 2015 next month. Plus, the maid cafe was not suitable for people in my standard of living (250.000 IDR for the cheapest meal package… I miss CDA and their Maid Cafe with 60.000 IDR Takoyaki package…and Abigail T.T). But, alas, I found a moral justification to attend: my brother was going to the event alone. And so I went there with my brother.

How’s my journey? Check it out! (Warning: disappointing level of useful information. Try other site for better info about AFAID 2015)

BABTMETAL on screen on Amuse booth! But no merchandise available *sigh
BABTMETAL on-screen on Amuse booth! But no merchandise available *sigh


Met an old friend without appointment. Was he donning Yowamushi Pedal? He said he wasn't; he literally went from his home to JIExpo by bike. It has been a year, hasn't it?
Met an old friend without appointment. Was he donning Yowamushi Pedal? He said he wasn’t; he literally went from his home to JIExpo by bike.
It has been a year, hasn’t it?


I met Japanese cosplayers at Cool Japan Lounge. They were promoting a game subtitled "Fantasy Battle in Japan Traditional Hot Spring Village"...but I don't remember the title. They were so nice and polite and cute too! The lady in pink told me she liked my Mudkip badge and she like Pokemon too. ^^ I wanted to try out my limited Japanese and converse with them. But I was so nervous and all I can say was "arigatou" and my tongue hardened, my feet weakened... :( Will try better next time!!!
I met Japanese cosplayers at Cool Japan Lounge. They were promoting a game subtitled “Fantasy Battle in Japan Traditional Hot Spring Village”…but I don’t remember the title. They were so nice and polite and cute too! The lady in pink told me she like my Mudkip badge and she like Pokemon too. ^^
I wanted to try out my limited Japanese and converse with them. But I was so nervous and all I can say was “arigatou” and my tongue hardened, my feet weakened… 😦
Will try better next time!!!


People might say: "THAT'S YUKATA for FEMALE". Well, it's definitely not written in stone or ratified by the congress and defiance is totally not punishable by law. So, that's me in a beautiful Yukata. I feel kawaii..oh so kawaii.. I feel kawaii and witty and bright!
People might say: “THAT’S YUKATA for FEMALE”. Well, it’s definitely not written in stone or ratified by the congress and defiance is totally not punishable by law. So, that’s me in a beautiful Yukata.
I feel kawaii..oh so kawaii.. I feel kawaii and witty and bright! And I pity. Any boy who isn’t me tonight.


I got a temporary tattoo from Aniplus booth. It's free and nice looking!
I got a temporary tattoo from Aniplus booth. It’s free and nice looking!

Btw, do you remember this song?

What a nostalgic song! It’s “Butter-Fly”, the soundtrack of original Digimon anime series, played by DJ Kazu. The stage was small but you can see how enthusiastic the crowds were. It’s like going back to the past, to the days when you went home from school before evening, to the days when anime-s were all about hope and friendship and courage. :’)


And before I went home, I found an interesting booth who sold gachapon prizes for a bargain price. It’s West-Ota booth, or Osaka Ota booth, promoting otaku culture at Nipponbashi-Ota-road of Osaka (rival of Akihabara of Tokyo). Two goods for 50.000 IDR and many of them have “not for sale” stamp on the packaging. I couldn’t restrain myself.

These are all the goods I brought home from AFAID 2015. Totally outside budget! T_T
These are all the goods I brought home from AFAID 2015. The creators’ circle products are also great! Look at the Nichijou art I bought, I rarely find Nichijou fan-art for sale. The IPO (Internet Positive) art is totally unique too. All of them are… totally outside budget! I’m technically embezzling the money of my future self. T_T


That’s all folks! Personally, I still enjoy Countdown Asia Festival 2015 more. It’s cheaper and there are a lot of artists’ performance I can enjoy. Aaaand the Maid Cafe is totally the deal breaker of CDAF. But that doesn’t mean AFAID 2015 is not memorable. It’s fun! Check them out next year!

Gatter! Gatter! Gatter! Subbed

It’s been a while since I sub another music video. And now…it’s still Negicco’s MV! Well, not an official MV. I don’t think they made an official MV for this song. The MV that I subbed this time is quite catchy and it was developed to be an ending song for a local superhero movie, Gatterman. Check it out!

Gatter Gatter Gatter! It’s actually a development from the word Niigata – Gata – Gatter (pronounced by Japanese very similarly). And it’s related to rice, since Niigata is very proud for its rice.

And here is the long version. I used a footage of their live performance.

The translator of this video is none other than: Misa-chan ! Check out her blog! She has a lot of Japanese song translations. I e-mailed her the Japanese lyric and the short video, but then she replied me with the long version translation in just two days! She’s awesome! And nice too!

Thank you, Misa-chan!

Share it negi-negi!

September Loot Exhibition

So, I’ve been saving money to buy a creative product from a foreign country: it’s Negicco’s Latest Single CD! It is my first time buying an original CD with my own salary. It’s original! It’s imported! Straight from the land of rising sun! The Anton one year ago will not understand why would he want to buy an expensive CD when he can just download it freely. Well, because I want to support Negicco! I have posted before how I was moved by their not giving up attitude. I want to contribute to Negicco’s rank in the Oricon chart and to help them in achieving their dream to perform at Budokan. So, I asked for a favor from a Johnny’s fan (check out her blog!), who is a friend I have known since college days but I have just recently known is a fan of Johnny’s, who went to Osaka on late August, to buy a copy for me.

And around the second week of September…

What is this mysterious package?
It’s sealed well with bubble wrap
Woah! Look at that! Negicco’s CD!
The Never Give Up Girls meeting each other… at a bus stop?
That’s the lyrics, the people contributed, and, wait…is that…I’m mentioned there!
Look! I’m included as the morale booster! I’m a fan, if you don’t get it 😛
Did I say CD? It turns out I got a CD aaaaaand a DVD!!! Let’s check out the content!
T.T curse you region lock! Where’s my VLC ?!

And that’s my biggest idol-related purchase so far. What do you think? You can buy it also here: CDJapan

Hope you enjoy my exhibition negi-negi!!!

Challenging Opinion

Anton’s note:

Greetings, visitor of Anton World!

I have not written less casual post for some time, while this post is meant to have more serious tone, so it is quite challenging for me. I will be grateful if you can point out mistakes (especially grammatical mistake) and confusing points. I had a spark of idea before starting this post but then I got confused after the first couple sentences on how I should structure it and I got lost completely after erasing and rewriting this post multiple times. (>.<)

Here's a misleading image that's unrelated with the post
Here’s a misleading image that’s unrelated with the post! Danbo-ton as photo model.

I wrote in my previous post about how reinterpreting adjective could brighten your perspective. In this post, I want to talk about how being critical can serve a similar purpose. In a broad sense, it is a call to be critical on all information you received, but to encourage its usage, I want to show you that it is useful in mentally deflecting or crushing negative opinion before it sinks into you (and even better, it can help you in debate!).

I have compiled some tips in challenging opinion. Do note though that it is a list I created from my experience and thought, so it is debatable and expandable. I hope it will be useful for you!


“Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat” or Presumption of Innocence

This is the first thing you have to believe: you are not wrong unless you are proven wrong. “Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat” means “the burden of proof is on him who declares, not on him who denies”. It is a Latin expression that has become a general rule of evidence in Roman Law and even now in the modern era. So if somebody throw an opinion on you that accuse you of something, do keep you peace of mind. If they can’t present proof to support their opinion, it doesn’t worth your thought.

Aim for the Adjective and Adverb

It is very rare that opinion doesn’t have any adjective and/or adverb. They are the first things you should aim for.  Your room is so messy/ why can’t you do it faster?/ You are so lazy. Notice that “messy” and “lazy” are adjectives, while “faster” is an adverb. You can look at other sentences and find them yourself. Now that you have pinpointed them, let’s move on to another thing…


Sometime a very common statement we hear can be an opinion that might be misleading, especially when there’s no clear indicator included. One of the main differences between fact and opinion is the usage of indicator or hard numbers. Factual statement will be something like: 80% of adult female population in Jakarta earn 15% less than average male wages. Opinion statement will be something like: A lot of female in Jakarta earns very small wage. Both tried to send a similar message, but they are different. 80% of adult females is indicator that states majority of adult females (more than 50%), while 15% less than average male wages is indicator that states the amount is lower male’s; both are indicators of equality in pay. You can see that factual statement gives you information that you can assess yourself, while opinion statement just give you a conclusion someone else has made.

So the next time people tell you that you are lazy. Ask them what’s the indicator of laziness. They can’t give it to you? Well, dismiss their statement and don’t think about it.


I joined my company’s choir for Independence Day of Indonesia (70th birthday). A day after the event a colleague approached me and tell me that the choir performance was very bad. I ask him if he’s a jury in choir competition. Nope. He’s a senior choir member? Nope. He has degree in choir-logy? Nope. Well, he can shut up ’cause he practically knew nothing about choir. Of course all of that reply I mentioned is just in my mind; in reality, I just smiled and nodded. Got my point?

Validation and Verification

Someone might tell you that they caught you sleeping every time you are in class. Ask that person if everyone in the class can support that statement. That person can’t? Well, don’t let it bother your nice day. A lunatic can cry how the world is going to end today; a shady alternative medicine peddler can advertise that its medicine can cure death; a student can write a phony research paper. But they are not reviewed or supported by acknowledged group of expert or independent party, and so it’s normal, in fact common sense, to doubt them.



And that is all. It’s the tips that I can think of for the moment. Do you have any other tips to share? Or your own experience? You just want to criticize? Advise? Anything you want to say, put it below on the comment section or the chat box in the right.

Challenge those opinions!