Ennichisai 2016 Coverage

This is one of the backlog post piling up in my draft folder. (シ_ _)シ Gomen! Gomen!

Ennichisai, an event that aims to simulate festival in Japan for Indonesian crowd, was held again this year in Blok M, a place touted as Jakarta’s Little Tokyo. This festival displays a wide range of cultural products: culinary, traditional dance, portable shrine parade, taiko and shamisen performance, pop song concert, handicraft, etc. Beside those, you can expect to meet a lot of native Japanese not only as visitors but also as stall clerks. Oh, do not forget about festival games! They are so much fun. Always try for the games every time you go to Japanese festival.

Let me share my experience!


I came early enough in the morning (around 10 AM, probably) and was able to witness the ramen eating competition. There were only a little crowd in front of the stage, the slot for competition was opened for five persons, no registration needed, no fee required to enter, and you only had to raise your hand to join. I did not expect that. Had I known about it beforehand, I would have prepared myself and join. I did not even have to win, it was a free breakfast.

IMG_20160514_125051 edit

As the day went by, the crowd got multiplied. To get the mood “Japan Festival”-ish, we rented a pair of Yukata (a casual version of kimono) from a local Yukata enthusiast community (I cannot remember the name of their booth >.<). It was around IDR 50,000 for two hours, but the clerks were so nice they did not keep tab on the time and we practically could wear them as long as we wanted.


Yosakoi performance by Indonesian students. Yosakoi is a choreographed dances from Japan performed by large group of people. When I say large, I really mean it. They occupied almost the whole road all the way from the entrance area to the stage. In case you wonder, the orange instrument held by these students are called naruko, or bird rattle, and it…rattles (how else should I describe it).


That is a Danjiri, are large wooden carts in the shape of a shrine or temple with taiko (traditional Japanese war drum) and other instruments on board. It was followed by Mikoshi (a portable shrine) and there were multitudes of them, marching in rhyme with the drums.


A glimpse of a Mikoshi. It was quite hard to take photos in the crowd.


The pop culture stage! A small stage with various performers each day. Too bad each one of them only performed one or two songs. I was only able to watch Faint Star (in the photo) and only some minute before they finished .·´¯`(>_<)´¯`·. Why? The main reason was because the distance between the main cultural stage (and pretty much all the stalls and attractions) was quite far from the pop culture stage, plus the population density ensured traffic congestion even for pedestrians. So whenever I enjoyed something around the main stage, I would not be able to relocate quick enough to attend the performance at the pop stage (have not finished my teleportation training). Thus, my planned itinerary for that day was thrown into chaos.


The performers in this picture showcased a kind of martial dance. My guess is they are Kajimaai, an Eisa (traditional Okinawan dance) group who also combines Kobudo (traditional Okinawan martial art using various weapon, including staff) in their performance.


After some hours, I was really tired with all the walking and standing. I am not a strong traveler as far as I know. So I went over to my friend’s restaurant called Sate (a Yakitori stall, actually) at Blok M, not in the Ennichisai venue, but close by. It was my first experience visiting his stall and I love his food. His Yakitori is made with love and passion; he wastes no expense to serve the best he can. Don’t believe me? Drop by at his stall at Food Fighters and take a bite!

Now, loot exhibition!


Top: Furoshiki and Sushi fridge magnet I bought from a Japanese. Middle left: water ballon or water yo yo I won from a traditional festival game called Yo Yo Tsuri, where player has to get the yo-yo balloons set floating in a tub of water using a hook which has tissue or paper handle. All key-chains: bought from multiple stalls. Lawson Ponta card and Biskies were given free by Ponta stall.


Ponta fan, Ennichisai fan, UHA candy: freebies from stalls. Ennichisai shirt: bought from information booth for IDR 80,000. MametchiHello Kitty festival mask: I won it at a shooting game. Sanada Yukimura festival mask (red mask with antler): a festival mask I bought from a group of Japanese who touted that this is a Japan product made with great quality material, but after I purchased it, I knew it is an overpriced (IDR 200K) cheap plastic (PVC) masks made in China by looking at the backside.

I guess that is all my story.

By the way, my Japanese friend told me that it is odd that they named it Ennichisai, not Matsuri or Bunkasai. Ennichisai has a more religious tone, an event where people go to the shrine or temple to ask for fortune from the deity because that day is important for the deity, while Matsuri and Bunkasai are a lot closer in meaning to Japanese cultural festival.


What happened today?

I got stuck between two moving buses. I remember not how frightened I was, whether my memories came flashing in my mind, or whether I prayed for my life. But I remember how I felt the pain and how one of the bus kept pressing me mercilessly. I remember that I screamed a lot, loudly. I did not decide to scream. I did not think. It was done… instinctively. There was no comprehensible word coming out from my mouth. Not a “no”, “stop”, or “help”. It was a long vowel of “a” and my mind went blank, but remain conscious. I was far from being intelligent in that moment. I was dumbfounded.

But the bus driver eventually realized that someone was stuck. I lived to tell the tale. My right hand still hurts but nothing seems serious.
I wonder, will love results in similar dumbfoundedness?


I did not take photo regarding the accident, so this is a random photo I have in my phone. Staying alive in Jakarta for 24 years is definitely an awesome feat.
I did not take photo regarding the accident, so this is a random photo I have in my phone. Staying alive in Jakarta for 24 years is definitely an awesome feat.


Your beloved El Presidente

Signing off

Anton’s Coverage: AFAID 2015

What big event do we have on September 2015 in Jakarta? Yup, one event that will come up on most anime fans’ head is none other but Anime Festival Asia Indonesia (AFAID) 2015. To be frank, I planned to restraint myself from attending AFAID this year, since I was out of budget and I already planned a trip to Dewata Anime Festival (DAF) 2015 next month. Plus, the maid cafe was not suitable for people in my standard of living (250.000 IDR for the cheapest meal package… I miss CDA and their Maid Cafe with 60.000 IDR Takoyaki package…and Abigail T.T). But, alas, I found a moral justification to attend: my brother was going to the event alone. And so I went there with my brother.

How’s my journey? Check it out! (Warning: disappointing level of useful information. Try other site for better info about AFAID 2015)

BABTMETAL on screen on Amuse booth! But no merchandise available *sigh
BABTMETAL on-screen on Amuse booth! But no merchandise available *sigh


Met an old friend without appointment. Was he donning Yowamushi Pedal? He said he wasn't; he literally went from his home to JIExpo by bike. It has been a year, hasn't it?
Met an old friend without appointment. Was he donning Yowamushi Pedal? He said he wasn’t; he literally went from his home to JIExpo by bike.
It has been a year, hasn’t it?


I met Japanese cosplayers at Cool Japan Lounge. They were promoting a game subtitled "Fantasy Battle in Japan Traditional Hot Spring Village"...but I don't remember the title. They were so nice and polite and cute too! The lady in pink told me she liked my Mudkip badge and she like Pokemon too. ^^ I wanted to try out my limited Japanese and converse with them. But I was so nervous and all I can say was "arigatou" and my tongue hardened, my feet weakened... :( Will try better next time!!!
I met Japanese cosplayers at Cool Japan Lounge. They were promoting a game subtitled “Fantasy Battle in Japan Traditional Hot Spring Village”…but I don’t remember the title. They were so nice and polite and cute too! The lady in pink told me she like my Mudkip badge and she like Pokemon too. ^^
I wanted to try out my limited Japanese and converse with them. But I was so nervous and all I can say was “arigatou” and my tongue hardened, my feet weakened… 😦
Will try better next time!!!


People might say: "THAT'S YUKATA for FEMALE". Well, it's definitely not written in stone or ratified by the congress and defiance is totally not punishable by law. So, that's me in a beautiful Yukata. I feel kawaii..oh so kawaii.. I feel kawaii and witty and bright!
People might say: “THAT’S YUKATA for FEMALE”. Well, it’s definitely not written in stone or ratified by the congress and defiance is totally not punishable by law. So, that’s me in a beautiful Yukata.
I feel kawaii..oh so kawaii.. I feel kawaii and witty and bright! And I pity. Any boy who isn’t me tonight.


I got a temporary tattoo from Aniplus booth. It's free and nice looking!
I got a temporary tattoo from Aniplus booth. It’s free and nice looking!

Btw, do you remember this song?

What a nostalgic song! It’s “Butter-Fly”, the soundtrack of original Digimon anime series, played by DJ Kazu. The stage was small but you can see how enthusiastic the crowds were. It’s like going back to the past, to the days when you went home from school before evening, to the days when anime-s were all about hope and friendship and courage. :’)


And before I went home, I found an interesting booth who sold gachapon prizes for a bargain price. It’s West-Ota booth, or Osaka Ota booth, promoting otaku culture at Nipponbashi-Ota-road of Osaka (rival of Akihabara of Tokyo). Two goods for 50.000 IDR and many of them have “not for sale” stamp on the packaging. I couldn’t restrain myself.

These are all the goods I brought home from AFAID 2015. Totally outside budget! T_T
These are all the goods I brought home from AFAID 2015. The creators’ circle products are also great! Look at the Nichijou art I bought, I rarely find Nichijou fan-art for sale. The IPO (Internet Positive) art is totally unique too. All of them are… totally outside budget! I’m technically embezzling the money of my future self. T_T


That’s all folks! Personally, I still enjoy Countdown Asia Festival 2015 more. It’s cheaper and there are a lot of artists’ performance I can enjoy. Aaaand the Maid Cafe is totally the deal breaker of CDAF. But that doesn’t mean AFAID 2015 is not memorable. It’s fun! Check them out next year!

Countdown Asia Fest 2015 Coverage

The stage in Countdown Asia
The stage in Countdown Asia

This is obviously an overdue post. Uploading those photos and videos was definitely a form of torture. Anyway, the coverage is finally here in Anton World, yey! 😀

Countdown Asia Festival 2015 was a Japanese Pop Culture Festival held on June 6th and 7th, 2015 at Lapangan D Senayan, Jakarta. It basically put together modern icon of Japan in one place: manga, anime, cosplay, J-pop, etc. For me, it’s the first Japan-theme event I had ever been to. So, it’s memorable. I went there in the evening (the event itself started on 11AM) on the second day event (June 7th) with my little brother and my high school sweetheart best friend. I knew there were free tickets for the first 100 (or around that number) people who tweeted about the festival. I didn’t expect to get the free ticket but I guessed trying won’t hurt. Aaaand.. I got the free ticket. I was possibly the 20th person, judging from the tally the ticket stall girl made, and that was kinda odd for me; an event this big didn’t get enough social media buzz. Alas, my brother didn’t have internet connection, and I decided to pay for him; 50 thousand T.T

We went in and we didn’t see as much people as we expected, especially in comparison to the size of the venue; it felt like visiting a local museum. But, it’s actually quite comforting for me, I didn’t have to fight the crowd just to move from one spot to another spot, I could just focus on one important activity; enjoying the event. And here’s the highlights:

Maid Cafe

group photo in the maid cafe
group photo in the maid cafe

The first place we went to? Maid cafe! Food and cute girls, yeah!


To get a personal time with one of the maids, one must buy a set of meals. I bought a takoyaki set.

To get a love confession from the maid, one must win a game against the maid. I won the game; it’s about making sure to look at the different direction than what your opponent points at.

The cute maid, Abigail, whispered to my ear that she loved me.

Achievement unlocked: Loved by a cute girl.


That’s basically my first sweet experience in a maid cafe (my heart went doki-doki whenever I remember it). Oh, we also got to see a special performance by the maids!

Interesting thing was we were probably one of only two groups of  Indonesian customers, the rest were Japanese, and they got about three to four maids for each table.


While we were strolling around the venue and observing the stalls, a pretty girl in event-staff-like-outfit approached me us. She gave Dempagumi.inc leaflets and say, “Don’t miss Dempagumi on the main stage!” (in English). I asked her,”What time will they perform?” (in Bahasa). And she just smiled and bowed and replying,” Yes, Don’t miss Dempagumi on the main stage!” (still in English). Well, judging from her appearance, she’s probably a native Japanese and still not fluent enough in Bahasa. We thanked her and continued our stroll. Then the time came when Dempagumi.inc showed up.

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I didn’t know who Dempagumi.inc were at that time and I didn’t have any expectation that time. They got on the stage, spoke some Japanese (NO TRANSLATOR! SERIOUSLY!), and the performance started. I can’t really describe it well enough into words. These girls were GREAT! The show was awesome and I can felt their energy through their choreography and voices. I mimicked people around who seemed to know the proper chants and what-fan-supposed-to-do-on-live-event things. It was very exciting! ^^

I realized there were quite a lot of Japanese native in the crowd and they wore distinctive costume. They seemed to be the hardcore fans of Dempagumi.inc since they could sing along and gave proper respond to signals given in some part of the songs; they even had matching towels to wave (look at the picture above) in the proper moments.

I will come to their performance again if they come back to Indonesia (when the time and price are right).


JKT 48 on stage
JKT 48 on stage

JKT48 was scheduled to perform next. We could see their renowned fans gathering in front of the stage with their light sticks. I was initially very excited in anticipating their performance, but unfortunately, I then realized I might not be as “JKT48 fan-like” as I thought. They sang five or six songs and I only like two of them, and their performance was quite plain in my opinion. They were definitely not on the same level with Dempagumi.inc.

Momochi Minami [Surprise Performance]

The sky was getting dark and we knew it might be the time to consider going home. But then my little brother ran to the stage and back, informing us that Momochi Minami was DJ-ing. Momochi Minami was scheduled to perform yesterday, not today. So we ran together to the stage and there she was!

In case you still don’t realize it, that’s not her face. She wears mask; that’s her trademark. She considers herself as the “Anime Chick Idol” and never let go of her mask in front of the audience.

Special note: after her performance ended, she went back to the tent behind the stage. But before she went in, SHE LITERALLY WAVED AT THE THREE OF US! How can I be so sure? We were the only group still standing near the stage at that time, and the direction of her look were unmistakably toward us.

Achievement unlocked: got special attention by an idol ^^

Ultraman-s (or Ultramen)

Yup, you seen it right. It’s Ultraman! Ultraman in their real size, which means not in their monster-fighting-building-crushing size. Ultraman Tiga is my favourite Ultraman and the first Ultraman I ever saw on TV, and he was there in front of me, with a very detailed costume (look at that light from his eyes and chest!). That moment was sublime. Regretfully, I didn’t get a chance to take photo with him.


The loot I took home
The loot I took home

From left to right:

– Dempagumi.inc small poster

– Countdown Asia Map and schedule

– Dempagumi.inc big poster

Re:On 01-03 bundle. (Supporting Indonesian manga industry!!! ^^)

Ringoame (my first ever) and Jiyuu no Tsubasa Necklace

And on top, that’s the gift Abigail gave me *blushing


I am looking forward for the next Countdown Asia Festival and I invite you to check it out too!

Laughing Man


Laughing Man, one of my most favourite character of all time.

He is a character who played major role in the anime series Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex.

The character’s name is taken from the title of J. D. Salinger‘s short story, The Laughing Man.

Anton’s note: originally written in March 8th, 2009. Still one of my favourite characters, though.

Pinnacle of My Rebellion



I’m officially employed!

Yeah, and what does it has to do with the picture and the post title?

That gorgeous disposal manager is a symbol of my rebellion. My parents refused to buy that kind of “high-spec” trash bin and have rebuffed my request for it over and over again. But I’m no longer shackled. I’m employed! I use my first paycheck to buy that beauty.

So, yeah, and…Hi, dear visitor of my world!

El presidente is back!

not for a while I hope…

Making Parallels

On the eve of presidential election in Indonesia, I would like to  share my view on some parallel both candidates have with some other notable public figures.


Let’s start with Soekarno. Prabowo has some parallel with Soekarno on how both persons are skillful orators and talented in using rhetoric. But Jokowi comes from civilian background with no notable military experience and so is Soekarno.

Then we move forward to the person who toppled Soekarno, Soeharto. Prabowo is Soeharto’s son-in-law and both have military background, but Jokowi has more similarity in two things: both don’t speak English well (I always see Soeharto with interpreter) and both are not renown as great public speaker (Soeharto is known as smiling but silent general). I always perceive that Jokowi gives a calming atmosphere, just like how I see Soeharto, but Prabowo often makes me nervous.

We also have Narendra Modi from India, a great and explosive orator, just like Prabowo. But Modi is known for his anti coalition path, blaming large and crowded coalition hindering government in taking action, and Jokowi has more similarities in that aspect compared to Prabowo who has diverse political party behind him. Modi also known for his rumored allegation of human rights crime, just like Prabowo. But Modi doesn’t have notable military background and more known as a successful governor, just like Jokowi.

But who is he who comes before Modi? That would be Manmohan Singh. But when we talk about Singh, the name Sonia Gandhi will emerge as the kingmaker, or as the puppeteer, and Singh is the puppet. Sounds like Jokowi and Megawati. Singh was backed by UPA, a coalition consists of at least 12 political parties. Sounds like Prabowo and his Merah Putih coalition.

Finally, we have Thaksin Shinawatra, a famous former prime minister of Thailand. Thaksin is the main advocate of the rice-buying scheme, government buying rice from Thai farmers with quite high price, stockpiling it, and selling it to the world when the price hikes. Prabowo has a similar policy. But interestingly, Jokowi has support from rural citizens, just like Thaksin, while Prabowo has more support from town folks, the opposition of Thaksin.



So, that’s my short post. Any other parallels you notice? Drop it in the comment section and I might add it in this post! ^.^

Watch out for that little slip of tongue!

Do you have some acquaintances who like to testify about their spirituality or preach or give spiritual advice through their social media? I do. The fact that I was once a caretaker of a religious student fellowship has become a main reason why I have a significant amount of “religious social crusaders” , no derogatory meaning intended, on my contact list. I’m not saying I don’t like their “social media crusade”, that would be politically incorrect, I just found their statements unfavorable in some instances. And that’s why I choose to disregard many of their divine statements. But I do pay attention to their statements sometime.

A couple of days ago, I caught a glimpse on this statement coming from a social media account of a crusader;

“You can tell the size of your God by looking at the size of your worry list. The longer your worrying list, the smaller your God.”

It sounds divine and good and so full of heavenly aura; clearly telling the reader to believe in God and stop worrying.

What? You got a hunch that I’m going to tell you the other way around? No, I won’t! I will not tell you that unearthly statement is wrong. What kind of person do you think I am?

I simply would like to propose a probability of another way to perceive that statement. There is a possibility that statement implicitly communicating a very dangerous idea; God is a fiction.  Let’s rephrase the statement to clarify my point; the size of your God determined by the length of your worrying list. “Worrying list” can be normally assumed as an independent variable; you can choose what to put on your list, as level of worry is relative and subjective. And guess what can be perceived in that statement as the dependent variable; the size of God. In a way, that statement can be perceived like this: Your worry list is relative; God is relative then; you can decide the size of God; God is fiction.

Again, I’m not saying the crusader is stating misleading statement. I’m simply proposing that there is a probability that statement might be misleadingly perceived.

My Bahasa teacher in my junior high school told me that the purposes of a message is to make the receiver understand what the sender is trying to communicate; therefore a sentence with multiple interpretations should be prevented. So, please, be careful with your statements, or your crusade.

P.S. try to read about fallacy and relate it to that statement. It is interesting to find so many ways to mislead people.




“It is not good to have zeal without knowledge, nor to be hasty and miss the way.”

–Proverbs 19:2

Governed by Fiction?

Definition of fiction


  • [mass noun] literature in the form of prose, especially novels, that describes imaginary events and people.
  • something that is invented or untrue:they were supposed to be keeping up the fiction that they were happily married

What crosses your mind when the word “fiction” comes out? I took the above definition from Taken from the so-called “the world’s most trusted dictionaries”

Have you ever thought about time? You have to get up at 6, get to school at 8, sleep at 9. Isn’t time, or clock, supposed to reflect or explain the movement of the sun, the dawn, the dusk, and everything, but now we ask ourselves why the sun hasn’t set when it’s 7 PM, as if the sun ought to obey our time, and it doesn’t crossed our mind that the whole way we describe time must change because it is no longer accurate to describe the position of the sun. We have standard time, we have GMT, we have metric for time, but it is just something the scientists agree of, it’s possible the time as we know it is also classified as fiction, don’t you think? Time is invented by men. Maybe not “invented” as in intentionally put to cheat or lie to others, but how can we be so sure that it is true or that it is not imaginary? Is time another example of fiction?

And the government. What is it? An institution that has right to govern over people. How does it get its right? Some theory exists, one mention about social contract. But we seldom question it; its existence is so normal around us that we forgot to ask whether it actually is or just another fiction that people created.

Do you know that California was based on fiction too? And Indians,  indigenous people of America…they’re not even living in India…but we keep calling them Indians. There are so many aspects in our life occupy that gray area; whether it’s real or not real. Why do we have to live the way we live? Why do we have to obey the society that told us that being rich is being happy? Being slim is being beautiful? Being white is prettier? Aren’t it all fictitious?

This post is quite confusing, isn’t it? Welcome to Anton World.

Jakarta Anniversary Special: A Little Reminder

Saat kita muda, inilah waktunya
Tunjukkan percaya diri, kita pada dunia
Jangan angan semata, jadikan mimpi nyata
Bukalah matamu, bangkitkan semangatnya!

The picture shown above is a picture of a carton box of a bakpia (a food made from a mixture of green or red beans or any fillings desired and sugar wrapped in a skin made of flour and then baked) I bought at Petak 9, Glodok.

FYI, the bakpia inside is not the one shown in the box, as if they just goggled the picture and printed it on the box.

Anyway, that’s not the point. The interesting subject is actually the seller I and my father interacted with. He wasn’t really good speaking Bahasa and thus my father conversed in… I don’t know, probably Hokkian… and we walked home after purchasing 10 pieces of bakpia-s. My father later asked me whether I noticed that the previous seller spoke in the same language with him but significantly different in accent. I did not. He continued by telling me that the accent the seller used was the China mainland accent, the native accent, while my father’s and his families’ used the Pontianak accent. He concluded that the seller was recently immigrated here or probably an illegal immigrant from China. I did not know whether his conclusion is right.

But, let’s just assume my father is right. [after this notice, most of them are filled with my imagination] Wow, can you imagine that?! A man and probably with his family crossed the ocean, probably 4000 kilometers in range, to Indonesia, from his motherland China. From the one of the highest GDP countries, with large area to live, rapidly growing in economy, technologically advancing, threatening the domination of western civilization, to the country with so many negative issues, not to mention the discrimination on Chinese minority issues, and obviously not a place to catch American Dream like USA. He even chosen to settle in Jakarta, dirty, polluted, overcrowded, jammed, with poverty everywhere, and not to forget that it considered as one of World’s 10 most hated cities. Now, what was wrong with this man’s head? I don’t know. But it does give us, the Jakarta citizens, or maybe just me, a great reminder: we, who grumble so much about our country and our Jakarta, spend so much time grumbling, until we forget to be grateful and to appreciate this very city and country with all its beauty and problems that made us who we are right now. If we don’t appreciate it, there are a lot of people out there who will.

So, isn’t it nice to sit back watching the traffic jammed, imagining that there’s a man out there hiding in a cargo just to get into Jakarta, and whispering to yourself,”I’m the luckiest guy on earth living in the city like this!”, without sarcastic tone.

Dahulunya aku pernah cinta
Dahulunya aku pernah bangga
Mungkin aku hanya terlupa
Mungkin ku amnesia..a..a..a..
Nostalgila cinta…